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                                Section1. Selection Committee

     1. The "Selection Committee" will consist of the following:President, Vice-President

         and Secretary/Treasurer.

     2. Only by a unanimous decision made by the "Selection Committee", bestow the

         "Master of the Breed Award" to a member.

     3. The decision is final and for a lifetime. 


                                Section 2. Record Transcription

      1. The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain a copy of all C.C.P.C. show records. A

          member may request a copy of a show record from the Secretary/Treasurer.

      2. It is the responsibilty of the membership to maintain their own show records. The

          show records must include, total number of birds exhibited in each class, all exhibitors

          names, complete band numbers and judge or judges names. All disputed show results

          will be reviewed and finalized by the President of the C.C.P.C.

      3. If records have been lost, only by a unanimous decision made by the "Selection

          Committee", could a waiver be granted. This is only to a Master Breeder of present or

          previous recognition from the N.P.A. or an N.P.A. affilated specialty club.

      4. Only by a unanimous decision made by the "Selection Committee" can a present

          Master Breeder being recognized by the N.P.A. or an affilated club be considered

          for the "Master of Breed Award" from the C.C.P.C.


                                 Section 3. Point Clarification

       1. Only N.P.A. accepted standards would be permitted for judging at all C.C.P.C


        2. Points are earned only on birds bred by the exhibitor. No points are awarded for

            birds obtained from another breeder. If it is revealed that any birds receiving and

            were not bred by the exhibitor, then those points will be given to the actual breeder

            of the bird if they are a member of the C.C.P.C. Otherwise, the points are deducted

            from the total achieved by the nominee of "Master of the Breed".

         3. If entries are made under a loft name or joint names etc., then the records will be

             kept as such and not divided under separate names. If the parnership is dissolved, the

             remaining breeder(s) may petition the "Selection Committee" of the C.C.P.C. to have the

             remaining points credited to them. Only by a unanimous decision made by the "Selection 

             Committee" may the remaining breeder have these points credited to them.


                                  Section 4. Points

         1. A nominee must have 500(five-hundred) points and 7(seven) major national

             championship wins that are a part of the total points achieved to receive the

             "Master of the Breed Award".

          2. You must have 10(ten) or more birds in a breed with 3(three) or more

              exhibitors not from the same household to receive points.

          3. You must have 10(ten) or more birds of the same color with 3(three) or

              more exhibitors not from the same household to be considered a "color class" to

              receive points.

          4. A. Points for champion of breed will be half the total number of birds entered

                  in the breed.

              B. Points for a "color class" will be half the total number of birds in the class.

              C. Points will be allowed to carry over from from a "color class" and added

                  to the overall points for champion of breed.

              D. Points will be awarded only to the best of a "color class" and champion

                   of the breed and the reserve champion of breed.

              E. Here is an example how to figure points:

                  You have 20(twenty) blue birds in a class, class meaning the total cocks

                   and hens of the same color. The best blue would receive 10(ten) points, {half 

                   of the twenty class entry}. This bird goes to the finals to win champion of

                   breed with a total breed entry of 50(fifty). The member would receive 25

                   (twenty-five) points{half of the fifty total breed entry} for a total of 35(thirty-five) points.

          5. No points are given for grand champion pouter and cropper, reserve champion pouter 

              and cropper, best old or young pouter and cropper. These are glory awards.

          6. A. When a member achieves 100(one hundred) points of a single color, the

                  member will be eligible for a "Color Specialty Award".

              B. When a member achieves 250(two hundred and fifty) points of a single color, the

                  member will be eligible for a "Color Specialty Highly Superior Award". Neither of

                  which will detract from a breeder's ability to obtain the "Master of Breed Award".

                  Points from these programs will count toward the total points required.

          7.  Junior members that exhibit their own birds in the senior adult division can

               accumulate points if by a unanimous decision from the "Selection Committee"

               agree they are the true breeder. A junior member may not exhibit the same bird

               or birds in the junior and senior division at a show.



                                Section 5. Specialty Programs

          1. "Master Achievement Award". This program is to recognize a member that has

               achieved excellence in one or all of the following. A long-standing member that

               gives continued support to the C.C.P.C. and the pouter and cropper fancy.

           2. A member that proves to be a good sportsman, promoter, honest with high character

                towards the C.C.P.C. and the pouter and cropper fancy.

           3. A member that has achieved excellence in improving a breed of pouter and or cropper

               over a period of years. This would be awarded to a member for some of the lesser

               shown breeds or retirement due to health reasons. This would be a unanimious decision

               made by the "Selection Committee" and for a lifetime.

           4. "Master Judge Award". This program is to recognize a longstanding member with proven

               superior judging of the pouter and cropper breeds. The nominee must be a proven

               breeder, exhibitor and supporter of the pouter and cropper fancy and the C.C.P.C. 

               for a minimum of 10(ten) years. During or after this 10(ten) year period, the

               nominee must have judged at a minimum of 10(ten) N.P.A. sanctioned or any

               nationally recognized show as well as C.C.P.C. sanctioned meets. It also

               would be of preference by the "Selection Committee" that the nominee be a

               recipient of one or all of the following. "Master of the Breed Award", "Color

               Specialty Award", "Color Specialty Highly Superior Award" or the "Master

               of Achievement Award".

           5. This unanimous decision made by the "Selection Committee" is final and

               granted for a lifetime to the member.